To in life is always accompanied by happiness and financial well-being, you should resort to a little magic and buy a talisman or amulet. Magic items have an incredible power because in them a person invests personal faith, energy and a piece of his soul.
The main thing to remember about the main ingredient of the working of the talisman or amulet is full confidence in the magic thing. And only then success and wealth will be your indispensable companions.
Varieties of talismans and amulets

There are a large number of different types of magic items. Amulet for money or mascot can be bought in any store. But to make a talisman with their hands will be more powerful, because he will not charged another person. Very often the question arises: what kind of thing it is better to choose which subject is suitable as a charm or mascot? So let's look at the magic category:
- To the common magic items include clover, old coins, horseshoes and figurines.
- To the charms or amulets that match the horoscopes are gems, plants and metal objects.
- Intangible things include prayer Scripture.
- To animal mascots belongs beloved pet with whom in contact.
Charms that bring money and good luck
Buying a mascot, note the horseshoe amulet. He not only plays the role of fortune, but also protects its owner and his house from the troubles. Hanging a horseshoe over the front door, take care the correct position. It is necessary that the legs of the talisman was at the top. Then no evil or bad people will not be able to be in your home.
The Japanese believe that money mascot in the form of a cat with a raised paw draws its owner with business partners who in the future will grant the holder of the amulet with the money. In addition, the cat protects the house from misfortune and evil spirits.
The stone carnelian is a talisman of good fortune and wealth. He has the ability to attract money, to bring prosperity and good health. But green tourmaline will protect its owner from stressful situations, return lost energy and vitality.
Talismans to attract wealth

Success and money, they are dreams of almost everyone. How to make an amulet to attract money with your own hands? To do so, take quattuor clover. It must be placed in a fabric bag, adpropians alligavit thread green. Suspension or any object having the shape of a clover, can act as a talisman of wealth and good luck.
Particularly attracted to cash as the rune engraved on the reverse side of the flower. Energize money talismans easy, moreover, this ritual is suitable for all the little things, such as pendants, coins, figurines.How to charge a talisman to attract money?
Take the next talisman of wealth in the palm of your hand. Try to hear the ripple of energy in the subject. She may not appear immediately, it all depends on the subject, stone and your zodiac sign.
After money mascot to boost your energy it must be placed in dense matter and tie with a thread, making 10 frames. By doing this procedure, you must say the purpose of the amulet. To strengthen the effect of magic item possible, if you give him a name. After that, money amulet, sprinkle with salt, saying aloud the mantra: "Be near me always, protecting me, my talisman of wealth".
After the ceremony people should not doubt that the money amulet is alive and will be constantly accompanied by good luck and success to all who will take it in hand. This thing is loaded only by your energy, so once in other hands, the talisman will turn into a simple toy.
Magic amulet should be associated with only good and positive emotions. When selecting a magic item put aside all the negativity and disorder. Then the amulets to attract money and happiness will throughout your life to work smoothly.
If you have lost your amulet, you should not be upset. This can only mean one thing: his work is done, and you should take care of the new protection!
The cord of the amulet with his own hands
Charms to attract money and luck, such as cords amulets made with his own hands for the rising moon or the full moon. The ceremony is easy to do. Should be purchased in special Department of the new yarns, different colors and shades. Each color symbolizes a sign. For example:
- red thread will bring the power of desire;
- green — the luxury and wealth;
- blue — fulfilling all desires;
- yellow line — success and happiness.
From these strands the braid is woven. The end result is a bracelet that is worn on the left leg and can not be removed. When the money talisman will fulfill all your desires it ought to burn and to utter words of gratitude in the world. When the amulet is woven with his own hands, read aloud all their monetary wishes. They can lead to higher wages, winnings in a lottery ticket, getting a high-paying job or inheritance.
Wealthy tangle
Money talismans in the form of cash tangle attract good luck and housewife, and businessman. Make money mascot with your own hands is very simple. Despite the simplicity of the action, this magical item has great power. To create need of any coin or Bank note wrapped wool shade of green. Then the thing to hang over the office door or the internal side. The only way the ball has magical powers!
Bag with magic herbs

Bags with herbs is also talismans to attract money in office space. This is a wonderful amulet with their own hands. Take a small container, to fold the cinnamon, ginger, pine tree needles and eucalyptus leaves. All herbal plants to grind, visualizing the financial well-being.
When carrying out a rite, you can read any spell that attracts money. Once the buds are crushed and turn into a powdery mixture, it should be put in a handbag or pouch adpropians alligavit green thread. This talisman should be kept in the office. In twelve months the bag to burn and make a new one.
Jack of spades
This course will help you to win any card game. For this you need to buy a new deck of cards and get the Jack of spades. On the glossy side of the card to write vivid ink colors desired amount of profit. Sew your own hands a small purse to put card and black pepper. During the game, or bet the talisman with you at all times. With such a talisman everyone will be just luck.
For the person who decided to resort to the power of magic talismans and amulets, you should remember one thing — only unconditional belief in magic can work wonders. Amulet for money or talisman, hand made, will be powerful if it regularly to feed not only their energy, but also natural strength. Performing rituals to mentally connect and listen to OBEREG!